Lulo discovers rare diamonds

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 10 November De 2021    14h16  
Angiolan diamond
Angiolan diamond
Francisco Miúdo

Dundo - Thirteen diamonds, eight of them of rare quality, were found Tuesday at the Lulo mine, located in Capenda Camulemba municipality, Lunda Norte province, Angop learned Wednesday.

According to a statement from the Lucapa Diamond Company, to which Angop had access, the 13 stones weighing 4.15 carats, although small in size, are big in quality, the eight defined as Type lla, is only found in 2 percent of all diamonds found worldwide.

The note states that this "rare discovery of eight diamonds of this quality in a single sample" were found in a block called Lo28.

Lulo is also the source of the five biggest diamonds found in Angola, four of which are over 200 carats, making it a "rare" kimberlite.

With 420 workers, the Lulo mine, part of the Lucapa mining complex, is known for its rare, high quality diamonds. Since the start of its exploration in 2010, the potential for quality and quantity has been realised.

In the first year of exploration, the mine delivered the highest value per carat, USD 2,983, worldwide.

