116 and 162 carats diamond stones extracted from Lulo mining

  • Luanda     Monday, 11 March De 2024    15h00  
Diamond stones
Diamond stones

Dundo - Two diamonds of 116 and 162 carats, type IIa, were extracted from the Lulo mine, located in the municipality of Chitato, Lunda-Norte province,a statement from the  Lucapa Diamonds Company Limited said, ANGOP has learnt.

The two special stones were extracted from the mining block 46, bringing to 42 the number of diamonds of more than 100 carats found in the mine since operations began in 2010.

According to the CEO   of the diamond company ENDIAMA-E.P, Ganga Júnior, the discovery of the two stones has once again confirmed the potential of the concession, having encouraged the mine's management to intensify its prospecting work to go up the project's reserves and continue to extend its lifespan.

"This type of stone demonstrates to any and all investors the great diamond potential that Angola has, so it would be an added value for them to come and invest in the diamond sub-sector," Junior said.

The mine is operated by Sociedade Mineira do Lulo, made up of Angolan companies ENDIAMA E.P (32 percent) and Rosas & Pétalas (28 percent), as well as Australian company Lucapa Diamond (40 percent). HD/AMP

