Lunda Sul increases commercial revenues

  • Luanda     Sunday, 02 January De 2022    17h07  
Vista parcial da Cidade de Saurimo, capital provincial da Lunda Sul
Vista parcial da Cidade de Saurimo, capital provincial da Lunda Sul
Angop/Lunda Sul

Saurimo – At least 14.3 million kwanzas is the amount collected in 2021, by the Integrated and Economic Development Office of Lunda Sul, for the Single Treasury Account (CUT), against the 6.9 million Kwanzas in the previous period.

The information was provided to ANGOP by its director, Kelson Malomalo, adding that the increase is due to the search for licensing of various commercial activities.

He explained that most of the revenue comes from different services, in particular the issuance of permits, licensing of commercial and industrial activities, as well as fines issued for non-conformities detected during the business year.

The official added that the commerce sector controls a total of 1,586 commercial agents, including wholesalers, retailers and micro entrepreneurs in the area of service provision, distributed in: Saurimo (1,503), Cacolo (42), Dala (28) and Muconda ( 13), creating 866 jobs, 51 of which for foreign nationals.
