Uíge runs regional agricultural fair

  • Luanda     Friday, 23 February De 2024    17h16  
Governador do Uíge, José Carvalho da Rocha, inaugura Feira Agricola Regional no Município do Uíge
Governador do Uíge, José Carvalho da Rocha, inaugura Feira Agricola Regional no Município do Uíge

Uíge - More than 60 agricultural cooperatives from eight municipalities of the northern Uíge Province are taking part in the Regional Agricultural Fair that opened Friday, with an exhibition of various products grow locally.

Represented by municipal administrators, the stands showcase the potential of each municipality. Among the products on display are bananas, cassavas, peanuts, coffee, maize, cabbage, among others.

The coordinator of the Regional Agricultural Fair, José Raimundo Teca, said that the gathering of major producers demonstrates the province's potential underlining the need to invest in the local production to transform the production.

José Carvalho da Rocha, local governor, said the event aims to develop rural trade and promote national production, adding that the initiative would encourage the purchase of local products.

The governor stressed that besides showcase the region's agricultural potential, the fair aims to create an exchange of experiences, among other benefits.






