Ministry of Finance calls for greater willingness on sharing information

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 30 January De 2024    12h24  
Ministra das Finanças, Vera Daves
Ministra das Finanças, Vera Daves

Luanda – Finance minister Vera Daves de Sousa on Tuesday, in Namibe Province, urged workers in the financial sector to be more willing to provide essential information to the public.

Vera Daves de Sousa, who was speaking at the 13th Consultative Council of the Ministry of Finance (MINFIN), held from the 27th to the 28th of this month, emphasised that professionals must be proactive and willing to share information.

"We must continue to invest in our people, so that the results of their work are reflected in the lives of the communities", he advised, pointing out that ethics and rigour must guide every moment of every worker's action, whether inside or outside the Ministry.

To her, nobody should wait to be told that something is wrong in their own house, considering that “We have to have systems and processes in place that can be monitored and thus make mistakes accountable”, adding that the Ministry´s mission is to serve.

In turn, the governor of Namibe, Archer Mangueira, highlighted the province's work in terms of revenue collection, an important component of public finance management.

"We are aware of the need for better, more effective and fairer revenue collection", he said.

He informed that the Provincial Government had made it a priority to boost economic activity in sectors such as fishing, industry and tourism, in which according to him “the Credit Guarantee Fund is an important pillar for achieving this goal.”

The MINFIN 13th Consultative Council, was held under the motto “Excellence rhymes with integrity”, and gathered in the city of Moçâmedes all provincial delegations and the Ministry's main bodies.

