Finance ministry under cyber attack

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 23 February De 2021    00h10  

Luanda - The technological platform to support the activities of the Ministry of Finance, with access to emails and shared folders, was the target of a cyber attack on Thursday, with unidentified origins and motivations, according to a statement from the ministry.

Despite the situation, it said that the revenue collection systems (SIGT, ASYCUDA, the Services, Citizen and Taxpayer Portals and the Integrated State Financial Management System - SIGFE) were fully operational.

"The Public Finance Information and Communication Technology Service (SETIC-FP) is identifying the scope of the disruption and the potential constraints on the workplaces of the Ministry of Finance and subordinate bodies (.....)," he said.

It said that SETIC teams have since then been uninterruptedly engaged in resolving and normalising the email system and the shared document folder, thus mitigating the impacts of such a situation on the productivity of Public Finance employees.

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