Minister of Energy assesses projects in Lunda Norte

  • Luanda     Thursday, 09 February De 2023    08h20  
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Canal de água da barragem do Luachimo
Canal de água da barragem do Luachimo
Helder Dias
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Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges.
Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges.
Pedro Parente - Angop

Dundo – Angolan minister of Energy and Water João Baptista Borges is in Lunda Norte province to find out about the execution levels of the Luachimo hydroelectric dam and the Lucapa photovoltaic plant.

During 24 hours stay in Lunda Norte, the minister will also learn about the installation of the thermal power station with a gas turbine, with capacity to produce 25 megawatts of electricity and the construction of the new water distribution network, which foresees 15,000 connections.

Evaluated at more than USD212 million, via a credit line from China, the rehabilitation and expansion works of the Luachimo dam, underway since 2016, reached 99 percent.

It will increase from 8.4 to 34 megawatts (MW) of energy capacity.

The entry into operation of this energy project will benefit  186,000 residents in the city of Dundo and in the municipalities of Cambulo and Lucapa, including the localities of Fucauma, Cassanguidi, Luxilo and Calonda.

Prior to Lunda Norte, João Baptista Borges visited the neighbouring province of Lunda Sul, where he learned of the work on the new water collection and distribution systems and the Saurimo photovoltaic plant.
