Minister backs study on other countries’ experience on road maintenance

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 08 November De 2022    13h38  
Road infrastructure
Road infrastructure
Bráulio Pedro - Angop

Luanda - Angola’s minister of State for Economic Coordination Manuel Nunes Júnior said Tuesday in Luanda that the country needs to study the experiences from the region-based countries in terms of construction and maintenance of roads.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the meeting of the Road Funds Association of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries,

Manuel Nunes recalled that Angola built and repaired several kilometers of roads since it achieved the peace in 2002.


But, he went on, the country has not been very successful in terms of maintenance of the road infrastructure.


In 2002, Angola took very important steps in terms of the rehabilitation of roads throughout the national territory, which led to significant improvements in terms of the movement of people and goods in the country”, the minister said.


However, he pointed to the quality of the road infrastructure in the southern region of the continent and other African countries which, according to him, deserve to be studied and applied in the framework of the association.


The official said that the best practices of the countries in the region should be studied, mainly when it comes to making investments in roads, in view of shortage of financial resources.

In his turn, the chairperson of the Road Funds Association Ângelo Macuacua said that the organisation controls one million kilometers of classified roads in
the southern region, which represents a third of the roads on the continent.

 “The organisation's mission is to exchange experience to seek and mobilise funds to maintain their quality and improve circulation”, he underlined.


The continent, he added, has many difficulties in obtaining funds to maintain the roads. And it is up to each country to mobilise and obtain funding to improve its road network.


Data from the Road Fund show that Angola has a road network of more than 14,000 kilometres.

Representatives from Comoros, Lesotho, Mozambique, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe are participating in the event.


