Angola assures transparency to investors in mining sector

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 06 February De 2024    14h14  
Mineiro britado (Foto ilustração)
Mineiro britado (Foto ilustração)
Manuel Zamba

Cape Town – Angola’s Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino de Azevedo, on Tuesday assured potential investors in Cape Town (South Africa) that Angola is fighting corruption and promoting more transparent government action, which is favorable for private investment in mineral resources.

The Angolan minister said he believes that the transparency that prevails in Angola attracts any investor interested in exploring the country's mining sector, given the healthy business environment and the legislative facilities, thanks to the fiscal and tax reform.

During his speech at the business fair, reserved for Angola, at the International Conference on Mining in Africa, Mining Indaba, the minister reiterated to those present that the country is a mineral powerhouse and that they are already creating basic infrastructure for investors.

"There is transparency and the fight against corruption, which is favoring a sustainable business environment," said the Angolan minister in a room crowded with businesspeople who wanted to hear from the Angolan government about changes in the business environment.

As an example of the companies that are investing in Angola in the mining sector, he cited the return of De Beers, the arrival of Anglo-America and Rio Tinto, as well as other major players in the world mining market.

Tuesday  is Angola's day at the International Conference on Mining in Africa, which has been taking place since Monday in Cape Town, South Africa, and is due to end on Wednesday.

Angola presented the country's geological potential, the progress made and the existing projects for investment throughout the country.YD/AC/TED/AMP
