MIREMPET aims to increase diamond polishing factories

  • Luanda     Thursday, 04 January De 2024    00h38  
A diamonds polishing plant in Angola
A diamonds polishing plant in Angola
Clemente dos Santos

Luanda – The creation of adequate conditions to attract more investment and, consequently, increase the number of diamond cutting factories in Angola will continue to be one of the main goals of the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas (MIREMPET).

According to the incumbent minister, Diamantino Azevedo, this challenge also involves continuous support for producers, with a view to increasing diamond production, which will accelerate the emergence of new projects and increase the polishing capacity for this mineral.

Speaking during the New Year's greetings ceremony, which took place last Wednesday, in Luanda, the government official reiterated the need to continue improving the country's business environment, to attract more investors and increase the capacity for prospecting and exploration of mineral resources in a sustainable way

In parallel with diamond production, the minister also assured producers of support to increase the production of gold, ferrous metals and start copper projects, as well as ensuring the use of non-metallic mineral resources, namely phosphate and potassium for the manufacture of fertilizers and limestone for soil correction.

Data from MIREMPET indicate that 70% of the national territory (around 872,392 square kilometers) offers exploitable mineral potential, which gives room for more investments in the sector.

Among the existing minerals, diamonds, copper, iron, silver, manganese, gold, limestone, marble and granite stand out, natural resources that were discovered with the implementation of the National Geology Plan (PLANAGEO), which aims, among other objectives, to relaunch and boost the fiscal contribution of this subsector in Angola.

This Plan included a global investment of 405 million dollars and also foresees improving knowledge of the geology and potential of mineral resources in the national territory, aiming to ensure the country's sustainable development.

With PLANAGEO, the aim is also to attract more mining and global exploration companies, similar to De Beers, which returned to Angola to begin prospecting work and, subsequently, start exploration in Angola. JAM/QCBCF/jmc

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