First metal factory in Moxico scheduled for June

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 24 January De 2024    17h59  
Polo Industrial e Produção Aerogeradores (PIPA) no Moxico
Polo Industrial e Produção Aerogeradores (PIPA) no Moxico

Luena - An Industrial Complex and Production of Wind Generators (PIPA) could come into operation during the first half of this year, in the city of Luena, eastern Moxico Province, for the manufacturing and transformation of metallic wires and metallic structures.

Speaking to the press, this Wednesday, the chairman of the Administrative Council of the aforementioned complex, George Luamba, said that the factory, located 14 kilometers north of Luena, in the town of Luxiha, is expected to produce nine thousand tons of zinc sheets annually.

The firm will also be able to invest in the transformation of 12 thousand tons of steel for various structures, mainly containers for solid waste and metal bridges to supply the market in the provinces in the eastern region of the country.

According to the organization's CEO, the entry into operation of the project, which already has 30 workers, is dependent on the assembly of the public grid power supply line.

In turn, the Provincial Government spokesperson, Guimarães Pinto Luís, stated that there is already extensive work between the local government and the National Electricity Distribution Company (ENDE-PT) for the expansion of the electricity network, as well as the improvement of approximately meters of the access road to the project, concerns raised by the CEO during a visit by the provincial governor of Moxico, Ernesto Muangala, to the firm.

Within the framework of business initiatives, the province of Moxico also has a processing plant that produces an average of 900 tons of corn and cassava flour, located on the south of Luena city.

The aforementioned factory, belonging to a Chinese trading and service company, has been operating since November 2021, with a workforce of up to 120 workers.

The region, the largest in the country, also has a water factory, called E.C Oliveira, located on the outskirts of Luena, with a daily production of around 235 thousand liters of water, provided by 25 workers.

All of the aforementioned manufacturing units are struggling with a lack of electricity from the public network.

