Women encouraged to join mining sector

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 30 March De 2021    15h35  

Luanda - The Secretary of State for Geology and Mining, Jânio Correia Victor today encouraged Angolan women involved in the mining activity to opt for a career, in order to contribute directly to the sector's growth and the country's economic diversification.

Currently in the sector, women occupy 17 percent of the workforce, out of a total of 5,700 workers, a percentage that the ministerial department considers low.

He assured the ladies of the Angolan Association of Women in Geosciences that the Angolan government is doing everything possible to increase the representation of women in that branch, taking into account the importance of the emancipation of women and the existing demand.

In her turn, the chairperson of the Angolan Association of Women in Geosciences (AAMG), Esperança dos Santos, stressed that this group should be present in the most varied branches of productive and economic activity.

In this particular, she highlighted the involvement of women in activities such as oil, gas and solid minerals, thus elevating the class.

The official noted that few women are professionalized in this sector, which is mainly composed by men, reason why she encourages other women to graduate and work in the area.

