Pentecostal Church gives financial education training to women

  • Luanda     Sunday, 17 March De 2024    14h29  
Durante a palestra sobre Investir nas Mulheres para acelerar o progresso socioeconómico do País
Durante a palestra sobre Investir nas Mulheres para acelerar o progresso socioeconómico do País
Kinda Kyungu - ANGOP

Ndalatando - Women from various social strata in the province of Cuanza Norte were encouraged, on Saturday, in Ndalatando, for careful management of financial resources, to meet emergency situations and future needs.

The encouragement comes from religious Cátia Franck, who spoke at a lecture on teaching and training in financial education, promoted by the society of Ladies of the Pentecostal Assembly of God Church.

In her dissertation, Cátia Franck defended the continuous training of families in the culture of savings and cautious management of finances.

She explained to those present about strategies for earning, caring for, protecting and multiplying family income, along with financial management methods to guarantee a dignified life.

She highlighted the importance of mobilizing families to adopt policies to multiply financial funds, through term investment in banks to generate profits.

She also spoke of the need for women to be updated on income-generating initiatives, to obtain extra income for the family and avoid living in dependence.

She pointed to promoting competence and humility to learn as paths to personal success.

She advised, on the other hand, families to enjoy the benefits of salary, with improved living conditions, recreation and leisure activities that promote physical and mental well-being.

The activity, which took place at Cine Ndalatando as part of the 8th of March (International Women's Day), aimed to increase women's financial literacy in terms of simple and correct management of salaries and other household funds.

The action is part of a church initiative aimed at combating and reducing poverty within families.

Women of various religious denominations, women's associations, public institutions, businesswomen and entrepreneurs, among others, participated in the event. LJ/DS/AC/DOJ
