BDA grants AKZ 170 million to agricultural, fisheries cooperatives

  • Luanda     Thursday, 06 May De 2021    16h53  
BDA, Angolan Development Bank
BDA, Angolan Development Bank
Tarcísio Vilela

Moçâmedes- The Development Bank of Angola (BDA) has provided 170 million kwanzas to finance 18 cooperatives from the agricultural and fishing sectors in Namibe province, in light of economic relief measures created by the government.

The information was provided to Angop Thursday by the director of the Provincial Office for Integrated Economic Development, Dulve Maquevela, explaining that the money would be used to finance the modernisation and expansion of family cooperatives.

She said that 18 cooperatives were applying for this funding, and that 11 had already received the money last week.

For better management of the amounts, she said that the office had outlined some actions aimed at monitoring, supervising and advising the beneficiaries, so that the amounts can serve all the members of the cooperatives.

