Port of Namibe staff to attend training in Germany

  • Luanda     Friday, 15 March De 2024    00h22  
Vista parcial da baía do Namibe
Vista parcial da baía do Namibe
Rosário dos Santos - Angop

Moçâmedes - More than 30 professionals from the Namibe port company, country’s south-west, will benefi this year from a training programme in Germany, as part of the strategy to modernize this maritime infrastructure, the president of the Board of Directors, Nazaret Neto, assured this Thursday.

Speaking to the press, on the sidelines of the visit of the German ambassador to Angola to the port company, the manager stated that, initially, the profiles of professionals to be sent to the European country will be identified. Furthermore, he said, the initiative will also allow German staff to promote training in Namibe.

On the occasion, the CEO invited German businesspeople to invest in the Southern Angola corridor project, essentially in the rail transport of ornamental rocks and in the port sector.

In turn, the German ambassador to Angola, Stefan Traumann, highlighted that the Port of Namibe has a strategic role in the country's economy, having stated that the diversification of the economy involves railways, ports and logistics.

He guaranteed the mobilization of his country's business community in order to establish partnerships with mutual benefits.

“We have strong companies in the area of logistics, railways and port management. Therefore, we will arouse the interest of the business class, taking into account the potential of the port of Namibe”, he assured.

On this occasion, the coordinator of the management office of the Moçâmedes Bay Development Project, Joaquim Neto, said that the work on the container terminal at the Port of Namibe is about 48% physically completed, while the minming Port terminal goês arround 38%, with these projects expected to be completed in 2025.

