Logistical platform to boost trade in Luau Municipality

  • Luanda     Saturday, 25 March De 2023    16h52  
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Vista área do município do Luau
Vista área do município do Luau
kinda kyungu - Angop
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Moxico: Administrador Municipal do Luau, Filomena Miza Aires
Moxico: Administrador Municipal do Luau, Filomena Miza Aires
Kinda Kyungu

Benguela – The Angolan Government is creating conditions in order to implement a logistical platform in Luau Municipality of Moxico Province, to boost trade in this eastern region of the country.

According to the municipal administrator of Luau, Filomena Aires, it is also foreseen the construction of convenience stores, parking areas and other services.


“The President of the Republic has issued an order authorizing the construction of the road linking Luau-Lumeje Kameia, and Luau-Alto Zambeze”, she explained.


She informed also that the National Plan for Promotion of Grain Production (PLANAGRÃO) is another project that is part of the Executive´s actions, for which he invited the entrepreneurs to invest in the municipality.


Filomena Aires said that Luau international airport is available, as well as the road 180 which connects the provinces of Moxico and Lunda Sul, that is already paved and in good condition.


Regarding tourism, she said that the municipality has several places to explore, for example the old village of Luau and the falls of Saipaco.


She added that the bridge over Luau river that separates Angola from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will be replaced as it is already old.


For both ways, it is estimated that more than 500 people cross it daily.


Meanwhile, the inspector and commander of the Border Police, Jorge Joseph, assured that the crossing of the bridge by the population from 8 am to 5:17 pm is done safely. 


On his turn the director of the Municipal Office of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports, Mani Paulo, advocated the creation of infrastructure such as bars, restaurants and resorts, for tourists to have somewhere for leisure, apart from enjoying the beautiful natural landscapes and making photographs for souvenirs.


“This is the second visit of excursionists in the region. Foreign tourists have already been here from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in the South African luxury train, Rovos Rail”, he said.


According to Mani Paulo, the border bridge is located about ten kilometers from the town of Luau and the area is still unknown to most Angolan citizens.

