Bridge over Loge River showing signs of disrepair

  • Luanda     Monday, 13 May De 2024    16h42  
Estado actual da ponte sobre o rio Loge, na província do Zaire
Estado actual da ponte sobre o rio Loge, na província do Zaire

Mbanza Kongo - The bridge over the Loge River at the National Road 210, which links the municipalities of Mbanza Kongo and Nzeto, in northern Zaire province, is showing signs of disrepair, according to motorists who travel the route.

170 meters long and 15 meters wide, the structure also serves as a link between the provinces of Zaire and Luanda, passing through the Bengo region.

Contacted by ANGOP, some taxi drivers who make the Mbanza Kongo/Nzeto/Luanda route confirmed that the structure shows signs of concrete wear on the pillars, so they are calling on the competent authorities to take preventative measures.

Pedro Tedy, a motorist, called for experts to be sent to the site to check the real situation and the consequent reversal of the scenario.

"It's a national road that connects all the municipalities in Zaire province, so a possible collapse of the bridge could isolate the region from the rest of the country," he said.

Agostinho João, another taxi driver, said that National Road 210 is a driving force behind the socio-economic development of Zaire province.

"It's the only national road we have that connects us to the country's capital, Luanda, by land, so we're asking for an urgent solution from the competent authorities," Tedy said.

Manuel do Rosário Mendes, the provincial director of the Angolan National Roads Institute (INEA) in Zaire, reassured motorists that the bridge is not in imminent danger of collapsing.

"We're going to have a meeting in Luanda, which should also include the inspection company, to find a solution. At first glance, the picture is really frightening, but it doesn't affect its supporting structure," Mendes explained.

Mendes said that a study is underway on how to anchor the road structure over the River Loge, which has existed for more than 15 years. JL /TED/AMP


