Portugal purchased 1.28% of Angolan oil in 2020

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 23 March De 2021    20h46  
A view of Luanda City
A view of Luanda City
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - Portugal purchased 1.28% of Angolan oil in 2020, slightly above exports to Italy (1.27% of the total) and less than the purchases of Spain (2.16%), Singapore (2.14%), France (2.12%), the USA (1.71%) and Taiwan (1.68%).

According to the report by the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, during the period under review, “Angola exported a total of 446.394,014 barrels of oil, 7.26% less than the barrels of oil exported in 2019”.


In that phase, Angolan oil exports were valued at an average price of US $40.9 per barrel, which determined gross revenues in the order of US $ 18.3 billion.


The main destinations for Angolan oil exported in 2020 were China, with 71.07%, India (5.87%) and Thailand (4.34%), with South Africa being the only African country that imported Angolan crude oil, with a volume corresponding to 1.06% of the total.


Meanwhile, Portugal only registered purchases in the first quarter, where it was the destination for 3.22% of Angola's oil exports, staying above Spain (with 2.63%) between January and March.

