Over thousand families benefit from money transfer project

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 02 February De 2021    14h34  

Ndalatando - At least 1,900 disadvantaged families in Quiculungo municipality, Cuanza Norte province, as of March of this year will benefit from monetary values, as part of the Angolan government's money transfer project called Kwenda.

Each head of family will receive 25,500 kwanzas, equivalent to three months, with each fixed instalment set at 8,500 kwanzas per family.

Speaking to the press today, the head of the Social Support Fund (FAS), in Cuanza Norte, Leonel da Silva, said that as well as the 1,900 families, registered in the district and that will receive the financial resources for the first time, the project had already allowed the transfer of money to the first 32 families, in November of last year.

He said the initiative was contributing to improving the social and economic conditions of the residents, with the creation of small projects, such as business, agricultural production, as well as the acquisition of utensils.

Leonel da Silva said that FAS in Cuanza Norte, as well as the Kwenda project, has also been carrying out other social projects, such as the construction of schools and health posts. He pointed to the rehabilitation of three primary schools this year, two in Cambambe municipality and another in Lucala, with World Bank (WB) funding.
