Proposed IRPC Code guarantees greater tax justice

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 23 January De 2024    21h26  

Luanda- The proposed Corporate Income Tax Code (IRPC) will allow for a simpler, more modern and unitary taxation system, guaranteeing greater fiscal justice, the Administrator of the General Tax Administration ( AGT), Leonildo Manuel said on Tuesday.

Speaking to the press, at the end of the consultation meeting with the Business Technical Group, regarding the aforementioned proposal, the person responsible highlighted that the goal is to implement a more conceivable, simple and accessible code for all taxpayers.

He recalled that the Act aims to unify, in a single document, tax matters related to taxation in terms of industrial taxes, investment of capital and property-income taxes.

According to the administrator, the proposal is that it can strengthen the entire business sector, simplify the taxation process and reduce tax costs.

“The proposal is based on reducing technical complexity and unifying declarative procedures”, he highlighted.

He said that the meeting aimed to collect contributions to be included in the proposal of the legal Act  that corresponds to the intentions of the Executive and its social partners.

The administrator made it known that, so far, there are 10 proposals for social partnerships, submitted to the public consultation system, online, for analysis.     

He called for the participation of society, in particular the social partners, for a transparent, concessive process that can reflect, not only the interests of the collection, but that contributes to promoting the growth of companies.

 According to the person responsible, at the end of the period of public discussion, which runs until the 31st of this month, the AGT will submit the report to the Ministry of Finance, which will frame the changes in the proposed law that approves the Corporate Income Tax Code.

The document will then go to the National Assembly for discussion and voting and, if approved, could come into force this year.

In turn, Cristina Silvestre, Tax consultant at the Technical-business group, said that the proposal for the IRPC code could create mechanisms to make taxpayers' daily lives easier.

Cristina Silvestre added that they presented, as a contribution, the schedule and submission models, issues linked to the amortization of properties, the reduction of rates in certain sectors, as well as the transition time for tax obligations.

 'If it is approved, taxpayers will need some time to adapt to the new rule, despite it being simpler', she said .ASS/AC/DOJ
