Water company revenue climbs Akz 107.7 million

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 24 January De 2023    13h44  
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Central de Distribuição de Água
Central de Distribuição de Água
José Cachiva-ANGOP
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Administradora financeira da empresa de águas no Cunene, Verdiana José
Administradora financeira da empresa de águas no Cunene, Verdiana José
José Cachiva

Ondjiva - At least Akz 403.1 million was the amount collected in 2022 by the Water and Sanitation Company (EASC) in southern Cunene province.

The Firm announced so Tuesday, adding that there was an increase of Akz 107 million compared to the previous period.

The Company’s administrator for the Financial area, Veridiana José, who was speaking to the press said the increase owed to the change in behavior of many consumers in relation to the payment of the water consumed.

He told ANGOP that another factor that contributed to the growth in revenue was the 1,402 new connections and the fines resulting from cutting off debtor consumers.

He also said the company recorded a water billing amounting to 2,233 cubic metres, which corresponds to 50%.

“Despite the increase in revenue collected, he said, operating costs involving all the company's charges such as salaries, purchase of products, system maintenance, stand at around Akz 636.3 million, he said.
