Oil revenue soars over 50 percent

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 26 July De 2022    13h02  
An oil platform
An oil platform

Luanda - Angola’s oil revenue yielded more than USD 11.8 billion in the second quarter of this year, an increase of 75.5 percent compared to 2021.

The country exported 103.6 million barrels of crude, corresponding to 1.1 million barrels per day, the consultant Gaspar Sermão said on Tuesday.


Presenting the report for the third quarter of 2022,  Sermão mentioned China with 54.9%, India (7.3) and Netherlands (6.4) as the main destinations for Angola’s crude oil.


The price of a barrel of the oil registered, in the second quarter of this year, an average price of 113.93 dollars per barrel.


As for the revenues collected from gas, the country raised USD 1.1 billion during the second quarter of this year, corresponding to 9.01 percent less than the previous period of this year.


He said that at least 1.03 million metric tons of butane gas have been exported, mostly to Asia and Europe.


In turn, João Silva, engineer,  explained that the increase in oil prices in the international market owed to the sanctions imposed on Russia, the maintenance of the gradual OPEC +oil supply and the EU agreement to cut 90 percent of two imports of petroleum and refined products.


The expert also points to the fall in production in Libya and Ecuador, among other factors.


