Economic reforms enable imports reduction

  • Luanda     Thursday, 17 December De 2020    15h52  
Ministro de Estado Para a Coordenação Económica, Manuel Nunes Júnior
Ministro de Estado Para a Coordenação Económica, Manuel Nunes Júnior
Alberto Julião

Luanda – The economic reforms being implemented by the Angolan government in the past few years enabled the state to save 300 million US dollars and reduce the importation of foodstuffs, in the first semester of the present year.

The information was given last Thursday, in Luanda, by the minister of State for Economic Co-ordination, Manuel Nunes Júnior, who pointed out the Programme of Support to Local Production, Exports Diversification and Substitution of Imports (PRODESI) as one of the main contributors to the saving of foreign exchanges on the part of the Angolan government.    


With focus on the need to increase national production and transform the country’s current economic structure, still very much dependent on the crude oil sector, the minister of State emphasised that PRODESI is on its normal track, with some of its defects being corrected along the way.


“The experiences we’ve been getting from the various national production trade fairs held in the last few months show that the Integrated Programme for the Development of Rural Trade is an investment that has to continue, since the national production tends to grow in different parts of the country.   


Manuel Nunes Júnior, who spoke at the opening of the Broad Consultative Council of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, mentioned also the Credit Support Programme (PAC) and the measures to stabilise the exchange market as factors that have equally contributed to the reduction of imports and the preservation of the country’s Net International Reserves (NIR).


The meeting, which is to end this Friday, is happening under the motto “The challenges of industrialisation for the increase of national production and development of rural trade”.

