UK invests 500 million dollars in Lobito Corridor´s infrastructure

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 09 April De 2024    14h00  
Richard Benyon, Ministro de Estado para área Climática, Segurança Alimentar e Desenvolvimento Rural do Reino Unido
Richard Benyon, Ministro de Estado para área Climática, Segurança Alimentar e Desenvolvimento Rural do Reino Unido
Carlos Benedito-ANGOP

Benguela - The United Kingdom has already invested 500 million dollars to help develop infrastructure to support the Lobito Corridor, ANGOP learnt on Tuesday in Lobito city.

After meeting with the Governor of Benguela, Luís Nunes, the British minister of State for Climate, Food Security and Rural Development, Richard Benyon, told the press that this is the largest investment ever made by the UK in southern Africa.

Richard Benyon expressed his satisfaction with the meeting he had with the Benguela governor, who manifested the institutional vision on the Lobito Corridor, especially the Lobito Port".

He said his country's government was willing to facilitate contact with experienced British companies, as part of the "good relations" between Angola and the UK.

He also expressed the belief that the Lobito Corridor will bring prosperity to thousands of people and stability to the continent.

The minister and the delegation accompanying him also met with the British NGO The Halo Trust, to hear from them about the current level of demining work and what they can still do.

The NGO has been working in various areas of Angola since 1994 and has already removed thousands of mines throughout Angolan territory, planted during the 27 years of civil war, mainly in the Cuando Cubango region.

The country has been a member of the Anti-Personnel Mine Convention since 1997, the year Princess Diana made a famous visit to the country to raise awareness of the landmine issue.

Under the terms of the treaty, the Angolan government undertook to complete the total clearance of the territory by December 2013, but the original deadline was extended and is now set for 2028, according to official sources.

Richard Benyon's agenda also includes a trip to the  Lobito city, where he will meet with local businesspeople and a visit to the port to see for himself its infrastructures, equipment and the level of operation of the port company, now a Landlord Port. TC/CRB/DAN/jmc
