SonaGás inaugurates photovoltaic system in western Angola

  • Luanda     Thursday, 25 January De 2024    14h21  
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Inauguração do sistema fotovoltaico na instalação de enchimento de gás butano do Cubal
Inauguração do sistema fotovoltaico na instalação de enchimento de gás butano do Cubal
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Instalação de enchimento de gás butano do Cubal
Instalação de enchimento de gás butano do Cubal

Benguela – The natural gas company (SonaGás) inaugurated Thursday a solar photovoltaic system in western Benguela province with the capacity to produce 40,260 kilowatts of energy per year, ANGOP has learnt.

Budgeted at 250,000 dollars the power plant has 51 photovoltaic panels installed, a containerized unit that includes an inverter and a battery storage system with autonomy to operate 24/24 hours.

The system has the advantages of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 65 tonnes/year, decarburizing operations and reducing both diesel consumption and energy, operating and maintenance costs of the installation.

Manuel Barros, SonaGas CEO, the entrance into operation of the photovoltaic system means a reduction in consumption of 18,000 liters of diesel per year and savings of more than 150,000 dollars on the purchase of generators.

"This system is modern and has the capacity to produce 28 kilowatts per hour," he said, emphasizing that the power plant will work fully with clean, renewable energy.

The Sonangol group's strategic guidelines presuppose that at least 12 percent of its investment program will be allocated to renewable energies in 2024.

By 2030 Sonangol aims to have 25 percent of its operations in renewable energies and to continue decarburizing its operations.CRB/TED/AMP

