Angolan airlines increases regional flights

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 21 November De 2023    19h45  
TAAG aeroplane
TAAG aeroplane
Nelson Malamba

Luanda – Angola airlines TAAG announced Tuesday that it will increase the number of flights to Namibia, Republic of Congo (Pointe Noire), São Tomé and Príncipe and Mozambique (Maputo) as of December 11, the company said in a statement.

TAAG said it has seen a growth in market demand for flights especially from Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP).

It adds that the new flights departing from Luanda - Windhoek (Namibia) will now be updated with daily flights, while the second route will have two flights per week from Luanda-Pointe Noire every Monday and Friday.

The company explains that it will be flying twice in a week to São Tomé and Principe on Monday and Friday, while Maputo will have five flights namely on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

The statement adds that there will be an increase in the number of domestic flights to Lubango city, central Huila province, with two flights every Thursday, bringing the total to 9 weekly flights.

TAAG remains committed to bringing greater flexibility and better services to passengers, while at the same time consolidating the company's vision of strengthening intra-African connections, the statement said. EH/AC/AMP

