Ocean terminal deemed operationally efficient

  • Luanda     Monday, 11 September De 2023    15h38  
Barra do Dande Ocean Terminal project director, Mauro Graça.
Barra do Dande Ocean Terminal project director, Mauro Graça.

Caxito – The Barra do Dande Ocean Terminal (TOBD) is an efficient project in operational terms for the process of loading, unloading and delivering the product to the consumer, said this Monday, in the northern province of Bengo, the project director, Mauro Graça.

Speaking to the press on the sidelines of the visit of the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, to the project, the official said that the initiative also brings logistical benefits, as it will have a filling island to load 18 trucks simultaneously, turning easier and ensuring the entire fuel distribution process at national level.

With completion stage of around 63%, the project includes 29 tanks with a storage capacity of 724.000 cubic meters of oil byproducts.

In the first phase, 16 tanks are being built with capacity to store 580 thousand cubic meters of gasoline, diesel and LPG.

In the opinion of the responsible, with the TOBD, the country now has all the storage capacity to meet national demand on land.

Being implemented in a global area of 390 hectares, the TOBD also includes the construction of a 1,700 meter breakwater, of which 1,310 meters have already been built.

For the operations stage, TOBD will be a modern terminal, with some technology that will reduce human intervention (around one hundred people), explained the project director.

The project generated 2,800 jobs, potentially reaching 3,500, depending on the progress of work in the construction phase.

The works on the Barra do Dande Ocean Terminal, valued at US$642million, are scheduled to be completed by the end of July 2024.

