PIIM - Over AKZ 300 million applied in roadworks in Cahombo

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 29 December De 2020    19h37  
Calandula Falls in Malanje
Calandula Falls in Malanje
Padro Parente

Cahombo – At least 39.8 million kwanzas (Equivalent to US $604,176) is the amount to be invested in the earthworks of 135 kilometres of road in the municipality of Cahombo, northern province of Malanje, within the scope of the Integrated Plan for Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM).

These are the sections that connect the municipal headquarters to the communes of Cambo Camana (31 kilometres), Micanda (34 kilometres), Mbanje Ya Ngola (36 km), from Cambo Camana to the commune of Cambo Sunjinje (25 km) and 9 kilometres from urban centre of the municipal headquarters.


The last Tuesday´s contracted work, also includes the rehabilitation of 44 bridges (24 medium and 20 small bridges), will last 16 months and is in charge of the company Lintel - Engenharia e Construção.


Alongside this project, the construction and equipping of a school complex with 12 disintegrated classrooms and six residences for teachers, set at AKZ 148.3 million (Equivalent US $224,673), also got a contract, which can generate 93 jobs.


To be built in six months, the project will benefit the villages of Ngulo Ya Muxito, Dala Calunga, Zenza, Caxingue, Kimbala Mbanje and Huya Hongo.


On the occasion, the municipal administrator of Cahombo, João Baptista da Costa, informed that the municipality has registered seven projects, estimated at more than one billion kwanzas, five of which are already underway.


PIIM foresees 132 projects for the province of Malanje, estimated at AKZ 26.7 million. The registered actions are linked to the sectors of Education, means of communication, basic sanitation, energy, telecommunications, water and health.
