Sonamet shipyard set up spool base for pipes construction

  • Luanda     Saturday, 27 January De 2024    15h05  
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An oil platform
An oil platform
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Inauguração da spoolbase no estaleiro da Sonamet
Inauguração da spoolbase no estaleiro da Sonamet
Augusto Cordeiro-ANGOP
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Sonamet celebra 25 anos de operações no Lobito
Sonamet celebra 25 anos de operações no Lobito
Augusto Cordeiro-ANGOP

Lobito - The construction of the Spool base at the Sonamet shipyard in Lobito, Benguela province, is the result of the need for around 20 kilometers of pipes to connect oil wells at the Clov project facilities, ANGOP has learned.

Clov project is located in Block 17, around 150 kilometers from the Angolan coast, with a water depth of between 1,100 and 1,400 meters, and has estimated resources of 55 million barrels of oil.

According to the managing director of TotalEnergies Angola, Martin Defontaines, in 2021, after carrying out a seismic campaign and processing the data, a great opportunity was found to be able to produce more than 50,000 barrels of oil per day in five wells.

"In order to develop these reservoirs, we needed 20 kilometers of pipeline and subsea structure, which are now being manufactured at this shipyard by around 300 Angolan workers, during more than two million hours of work," he said, rejoicing.

Martin Defontaines explained that the equipment will be transported and installed in the Clov project field, without interrupting production.

According to the director, production at the project will peak at 30,000 barrels per day at the end of this year.

He also said that TotalEnergies in Angola is committed to contributing to the creation of value in the energy sector.

"We are gradually seeing an increase in the complexity of the equipment and services provided locally, which gives us comfort in finding Made in Angola solutions," he said.

He said that the transfer of knowledge and training had made it possible to have more and more Angolan companies and staff working in the sector.

"Our annual investment in local spending amounts to more than a billion dollars for our oil operations and in this way we contribute to greater sustainability and value creation," he said.

Martin Defontaines expressed his gratitude to the teams that have contributed to the construction of the Spool Base, which the French oil company has been looking forward to.

"We're counting on you to stay focussed on preparing and supervising the work, and to ensure vigilance to make sure they can return home safely," he said.

In addition to Clov 3, TotalEnergies recently launched the Clov 2 and Dália 3 projects, with 15 wells to produce around 100 million barrels of oil. TC/CRB/DAN/DOJ
