European Union to train Angolan entrepreneurs

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 20 January De 2021    16h25  
Ministra da Saúde, Sílvia Lutucuta
Ministra da Saúde, Sílvia Lutucuta
Francisco Miúdo

Lubango - The European Union is planning, for this year, to promote graduation courses aimed at Angolan businesspeople, as a way to boost the diversification of the economy.

The plan aims to strengthen the institutional and technical capacity building programme that the organisation has been providing to the national business community.

At the  meeting Wednesday in Huíla province with local businesspeople, the European Union's ambassador to Angola, Jeanntte Seppen, said that the organisation was already improving training programmes for the class, the impact of which would soon be felt.

According to the diplomat, who Wednesday ended a two-day visit to Huíla, the EU's focus for the next few years is on supporting businesspeople, as part of an integrated partnership to diversify Angola's economy, where the private sector plays a crucial role.

"We have had a partnership with Angola since 1986 and strengthened in 2012, when we signed the so-called "joint path," so we are here together to ensure better development of the country, as the economy works better when the government provides that support," she noted.

She noted that in addition to cooperation between the parties, the EU could facilitate cooperation between national companies and those of member states.

Four months in office, the ambassador noted that of the little she saw, Angola gave her "a lot" of confidence, as there was a "true spirit" of making the country to grow.
