Visits to stand top Angola Day at Mining Indaba

  • Luanda     Monday, 09 May De 2022    23h21  
Presidente do Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi, recebido no Stand de Angola pelo Ministro dos Recursos Minerais e Petróleo, Diamantino Azevedo (esq)
Presidente do Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi, recebido no Stand de Angola pelo Ministro dos Recursos Minerais e Petróleo, Diamantino Azevedo (esq)
Yambeno Daniel

Luanda - The first day of the International Conference on Mining in Africa, "Mining Indaba", which opened today in Cape Town, South Africa, was marked by several visits to the Angola stand.

On a day dedicated exclusively to Angola, one of the "illustrious" visiting figures was the President of Botswana, Mokgweetsi Masisi, who attended the event as the guest of honour of the event dedicated to attracting investment to mining in Africa.

Mokgweetsi Masisi went to the stand of the Portuguese-speaking nation after visiting his country's tent, which is 100 metres behind the Angolan stand. The statesman visited the Angolan stand for a long time and chatted with the stall holders in a pleasant atmosphere.

After that moment, he interacted for a long time with the Angolan Minister of Natural Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino de Azevedo, to whom he conveyed Botswana's intention to cooperate with Angola in the area of diamonds.

On the day dedicated to Angola, one of the main sponsors of the annual event, Minister Diamantino Azevedo "did his best" in "face-to-face" with investors and potential investors, explaining the legislative and political facilities created by the country to attract foreign private investment and others.

The fair had a room full of potential investors who wanted to hear guarantees of the new business environment from the Angolan minister, in a workshop held in English.


