General schooling resumes in Angola

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 03 January De 2024    17h35  
Alunos em aulas
Alunos em aulas
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda – The classes for the second trimester of the general education (excluding higher education) resumed on Wednesday across the country, with a student population of around 9 million at pre-school, primary and secondary levels.

Speaking to the public television in Luanda Province, the minister of Education, Luísa Grilo, appealed to parents and guardians to take their children to school.

In the school year that officially opened on 1 September 2023, more than a thousand new schools were made available. According to the figures, the education system currently has around 13,000 schools.

Official figures show that there are more than 206,519 teachers due to the recruitment process carried out in the country in recent years.

For the current school year, the government has distributed 1,381,744 school books free of charge to all children in the country.

The first school trimester of 2023/2024 ran from 4 September 2023 to December 2023 and was interrupted due to the festive season.

However, this second term is scheduled to end on 28 March, while the third term will begin on 8 April and end on 31 July.



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