Primary school Nº1007 gains “Child Friendly” status

  • Luanda     Monday, 25 March De 2024    09h28  
José Filipe - ANGOP

Lubango – Primary school Nº. 1007 became the first institution with “Child Friendly” status in Lubango, Huíla province, for involving students in tree planting, irrigation and conservation, as well as beautifying classrooms, through playful drawings and images.

Speaking today, Monday, to ANGOP, the school director, Bermo Daniel Baptista, informed that the initiative is part of the strategies used by the institution to make the school closer to children.

For the responsible, who was speaking on the sidelines of a seminar on the implementation of the “Child Friendly Municipality” project, he pointed out that without proximity to children, educational objectives cannot be achieved.

For the manager, the “good” practices that characterize the functioning of the school interfere, in a positive way, in the organization and improvement of the teaching and learning process, among them the creation of green areas, with the active participation of students and maintaining hygiene.

“Even with the lack of piped water at the school, the institution managed to create a visible garden, involving the students, who irrigate with the water they bring from home”, he continued, highlighting the commitment to awakening in children the love for plants and their importance.

He also spoke about the development of extra-curricular activities such as study visits to tourist places, creation of dance, poetry and music groups, participation in various political, social and recreational activities.

Primary school No. 1007 is located in the Comandante Valódia neighborhood, in the municipality of Lubango, and has eight classrooms that accommodate 560 students. MS/CF/DOJ

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