Education Ministry recommends dialogue on school coexistence rules

  • Luanda     Thursday, 29 September De 2022    11h47  
Pupils attending class in Cunene
Pupils attending class in Cunene
José Cachiva

Luanda – The Ministry of Education (MED) directed Thursday the promotion of strategies of permanent dialogue with the members of the school community, aimed to lay down rules of school coexistence that ensure the protection of the child against all types of discrimination.

In a press release sent to ANGOP, MED also recommended the creation, in the schools, of a harmonious environment of respect for difference.


The document referred to the different ways in which each student maintain their hairstyle without, however, subverting the code of conduct and school discipline.


The guidance stems from a fresh public debate due to the measure on banning students from showing up at education institutions with alleged unusual hairstyles.

The sector recalls that the education is a fundamental human right and constitutes the pillar for peace and sustainable development.


The Education and Teaching System is governed by the principles of equality and child protection, as provided for in paragraph 2 of article 23 and paragraph 1 of article 80, both of the Constitution of the Republic.

The note reinforces the principle of universality, provided for in article 9 of the Basic Law of the Education and Teaching System (Law no 32/20 of August 12), which promotes combat of all type of discrimination for reasons of the individual's ancestry, sex, race, ethnicity, colour, disability, language, place of birth, religion, political, ideological or philosophical convictions.


It appealed to school managers of public, public-private and private institutions, in the exercise of their functions, to abide by the Constitution of the Republic and the Law, assuring the materialisation of the general principles that govern the Education System.


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