Agostinho Neto Memorial holds photo exhibition

Republic Square, in Luanda City
Republic Square, in Luanda City
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda – Agostinho Neto Memorial opened on Thursday a photographic exhibition dubbed "The Country in the Lens" with a display of 30 pictures narrating the socio-economic and sports life of the country.

The exhibition, co-organized by the Media Nova group and the Dr. António Agostinho Neto Memorial, has displayed historical places, symbols of the republic, historical monuments, among others, photographed by professionals of the Media Nova group.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the director of the newspaper O País, Dani Costa, said he wants to show the history and lead the participants to nostalgia and also reflection.

The head of the Sagrada Esperança Foundation, Roberto de Almeida, sponsor of the event, stressed the importance of the exhibition, congratulating the organizers.

"We must give more and more prestige to the works done by photography professionals, since they write history from the social, cultural, political, and sports levels," he said.

The one-month exhibition showcases photographs about people from different regions of the country with emphasis on the Khoisan people, peasant families, the National Assembly, the inauguration of the President of the Republic João Lourenço, among others.

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