South Africa plans to build monument in Angola

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 24 May De 2022    20h36  
Memorial da Batalha do Cuito Cuanavale, decisiva para a libertação da África Austral
Memorial da Batalha do Cuito Cuanavale, decisiva para a libertação da África Austral
Armâdio Morais

Malanje – The South African government intends to build a historical monument in Angola’s northern Malanje Province, in memory of the deceased fighters of the African National Congress (ANC) party that took part in the liberation struggle against the Apartheid regime in this region.

The intention was expressed Tuesday, in Malanje City, by the Chief of the South African National Defence Force, General Rudzani Maphwanya, during a meeting with the acting governor of Malanje, Domingos Eduardo, and members of the provincial government.


Without giving the number of the dead soldiers, general Maphwanya said the ANC troops that died in Malanje, fought in the municipalities of Cacuso and Quela, where they were buried and so the memorial is expected to be built in one of the localities.


The South African military chief added that the execution of the project is initially a matter of agreement between the governments of Angola and South Africa, but it may happen in the medium term, with the aim to praise the memory of the deceased soldiers, revive the history and strengthen the bonds of friendship between the two countries.


Malanje Province acting governor, on his turn, said he was pleased with the intention of the South African government to build an infrastructure that will enhance local  sites and exalt the figures of South African military personnel killed in combat in Angola.


South African troops also fought in the provinces of Luanda, Benguela, Cuando Cubango and Uige.


General Rudzani Maphwanya is leading a mission of the South African National Defence Forces, which started Tuesday a two-day working visit to Malanje to see the places where South African troops fell in combat.


The move also aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Angola and South Africa. The delegation, that has already worked in Luanda, will remain in the country until May 28.

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