Angola shelters more than 56,000 refugees

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 05 July De 2023    17h15  
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Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Yuko Maeno
Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Yuko Maeno
Luísa Henriques-ANGOP
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Calueque refugee camp
Calueque refugee camp
Fabiana Hitalukua

Luanda - Angola hosts 56,095 refugees and asylum seekers, the representative of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Yuko Maeno, announced on Wednesday in Luanda.

Yuko Maeno, who was speaking about the protection of refugees during the training and awareness workshop on human trafficking for media professionals, highlighted that 54 percent of the above-mentioned number are asylum seekers and 46 percent are refugees.

The UNHCR is promoting a global action in favor of refugees and asylum seekers aiming their inclusion as a way of guaranteeing access to registration documents, rights and services.

On the other hand, the resident coordinator of the United Nations (UN), Zahira Virani, explained that the training is part of a project that aims to improve the migration management in Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean Region, aiming sustainable development.

The training, she said, also aims to build a path for the guarantor of the defense and protection of all people, in particular the most vulnerable.

“We must all work to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda and guarantee the prevention and protection of people, especially the most vulnerable and in danger situations, which lead them to trafficking in human beings,” she said.

The seminar main goal was to improve journalists' knowledge so that they can participate in raising awareness among the population, with a view to identifying and prosecuting crimes of trafficking in human beings.

For three days, journalists debated topics related to the definition of the crime of trafficking in human beings, victims of trafficking, forms and manifestations of trafficking in human beings and an overview of Angola's efforts in preventing and combating human trafficking. FMA/SC/DOJ

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