Angola depends less on oil revenues – President Lourenço

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 28 June De 2022    23h59  
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An oil platform
An oil platform
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Angolan President, João Lourenço
Angolan President, João Lourenço
Francisco Miúdo / Arquivo

Lisbon – President João Lourenço said Tuesday in Lisbon, Portugal, that Angola has significantly reduced its dependence on oil revenues, thanks to private investments in other sectors of the economy.

According to the Angolan Head of State, during his five-year term, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the country managed to create a good business environment, where the fight against corruption stands out.


The Angolan President, who was speaking in an exclusive interview to the Portuguese Radio Televisão Portuguesa (RTP Africa), mentioned also the diversification of the country’s economy as being another important vector of his term in the past five years.


Mr Lourenço added that there are many projects underway, such as the conclusion of the national roads network, tackling the drought in the southern region of the country, the electrification of the national territory and the implantation of photovoltaic production stations.


The Angolan leader pointed out also his government’s focus on the conclusion of the new Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport, the works of the Cabinda Province's Caio Deep Water Port and the Caculo Cabaça dam.


Questioned about the living standard of the population, the president said the inflation is going down, as well as the prices of the main commodities.


The Angolan President underscored that following the emergence of the Strategic Food Reserve there has been some balance in prices of foodstuff, underlining that the Executive increased the minimum national wage and the salaries in the Civil Service.


João Lourenço then emphasized the strong investment in the health sector, which has considerably reduced the number of patients going abroad for treatment.



The Angolan leader went on to disclose that the country is very close to reaching the 500,000 jobs promised by the ruling party (MPLA) during the 2017 election campaign.


However, he lamented the fact that during the Covid-19 period some units closed or reduced their workforce, whose scenario needs to be reversed.


The president cited as an example the textile industry that resumed full operation in Luanda, Benguela and Cuanza Norte creating several jobs.


João Lourenço added that in four years, the public sector has admitted thousands of health and education professionals with more people to be admitted this year.



The Head of State said the Angolan justice system is acting at all levels and not only “hunting” ministers or other officials, but it is against all transgressors from bottom to top.


The president valued the achievements of the Angolan justice system in the last five years not only for the number of cases that went to court and reached a decision, but also for the kind of defendants tried.


João Lourenço stated that he has a good relationship with the former President of the Republic, José Eduardo dos Santos, underlining that in recent times he has taken the initiative to visit his predecessor.


President João Lourenço admitted that the international community is showing more confidence in Angola and is looking to this country’s near future with great optimism.

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