Angola highlights importance of traditional knowledge preservation treaty

  • Luanda     Monday, 13 May De 2024    16h59  
Angolan representative to UN Office and other International Organisations in Geneva, Margarida Izata
Angolan representative to UN Office and other International Organisations in Geneva, Margarida Izata

Luanda - Angola's contribution to the discussion and adoption of an international instrument for the preservation of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge was highlighted Monday in Geneva, Switzerland, by Angolan ambassador Margarida Izata.

According to Angola's permanent representative to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations, the country recognized the importance of the instrument.

According to a press release, Margarida Izata was speaking during the Diplomatic Conference on the subject taking place from 13 to 24 May at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO),

The diplomat said Angola recognizes the importance that this instrument guarantees in terms of Intellectual Property, traditional knowledge and genetic resources for countries where this is crucial.

‘We recognize the tireless efforts, as well as the work carried out by WIPO, in supporting all member states and interested parties during the negotiations,’ the diplomat said.

Izata clarified that Angola is in favor of adopting this instrument, since it will help national institutions in their respective activities, as well as protecting related communities in their specific rights and needs.

The diplomat is of the opinion that the treaty will benefit all parties because it promotes and protects oral tradition, including those experiences and knowledge that rural populations have held since ancient times, transmitted orally from generation to generation.

Referring particularly to areas such as medicine and medicinal plants, rudimentary agricultural techniques and practices, the diplomat emphasized that these aspects can be inspired and used to leverage conventional and modern scientific and technological development.

She argued that Angola sees this document as a timely and indispensable instrument, given its vast scope for empowering indigenous peoples and traditional communities.

Margarida Izata said that these people make discoveries on a daily basis, the technical and scientific analysis of which could culminate in a positive contribution to innovation and economic development, not only in Angola, but throughout the world.

The diplomatic conference organized by WIPO, is the final stage of negotiations before the adoption of an international legal instrument, which the contracting parties began working on more than 20 years ago.

The future instrument aims to ‘increase the efficiency, transparency and quality of the patent system’, as well as ‘prevent rights  from being wrongly granted for inventions that are not new or inventive with regard to genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources’. VIC/DAN/AMP


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