Angola and Eswatini Kingdom plan parliamentary co-operation

  • Luanda     Monday, 19 February De 2024    17h46  
Príncipe do Reino de Eswatini, Lindaninkhosi Dlamini
Príncipe do Reino de Eswatini, Lindaninkhosi Dlamini
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - Angola and the Kingdom of Eswatini agreed on Monday, in Luanda, to create conditions for exchange programmes and visits between the parliaments of the two states.

The information was given to the press by the Prince of the Kingdom of Eswatini, Lindaninkhosi Dlamini, at the end of a meeting with the Angolan Parliament Speaker, Carolina Cerqueira.

The Prince of Eswatini said that they discussed ways of creating partnerships between the two parliaments and exchange programmes and visits between legislators in the respective countries.

He expressed his admiration for the grandeur of the National Assembly palace, noting that the Kingdom of Eswatini is also engaged in the construction of a legislative building of this kind.

Carolina Cerqueira was invited by the prince to visit the Kingdom of Eswatini and take part in the Marula Festival celebrations in March this year.

Lindaninkhosi Dlamini emphasised that the Speaker of the Angolan Parliament is expected to be received in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

The Marula Festival, known locally as the Buganu ceremony, is one of the ceremonies that unite the people of Eswatini through culture, values, traditions and respect for the Monarch.

The Buganu ceremony is known among the people of Eswatini as the celebration of the 'first fruit' that comes after the Incwala ceremony, which is the main ritual of kingship in the Kingdom of Eswatini and is a national event that takes place during the summer solstice.

Essentially it is all about the cleaning and renewal in a new year.

During the ceremony, women share experiences and showcase the various products they produce in their communities.

Over the years the festival, which has attracted dignitaries from various countries, has evolved into a session where business ideas are shared and product markets are taken advantage of, not only within the premises, but outside the festival itself.

Chamber of Commerce

During his stay in the country, the Prince of Eswatini met with the Angolan Chamber of Commerce officials and expressed his intention to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Angolan Chamber of Commerce and the Eswatini Investment Agency and also visited Luanda's Special Economic Zone.

Lindaninkhosi Dlamini said he was impressed by the information he was given that last year alone the Special Economic Zone (ZEE) managed to attract around 40 billion dollars.

The Kingdom of Eswatini is a complete sovereignty under the rule of His Majesty King Mswati III. Under his rule, Eswatini has experienced economic advancement and prosperity with a relatively high standard of living for its citizens.

Eswatini is a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union (AU), the Commonwealth and the United Nations (UN).


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