Angola and Mozambique assess trade relations

  • Luanda     Thursday, 23 February De 2023    19h06  
Angolan Vice President, Esperança da Costa (r) grants audience to Mozambique's ambassador.
Angolan Vice President, Esperança da Costa (r) grants audience to Mozambique's ambassador.

Luanda – The Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, this Thursday in Luanda granted an audience to Mozambique´s Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Angola, Osvalda Joana, aiming to discuss the trade agreements signed between both countries, among other issues.

At the Presidential Palace, both officials reviewed the existing cooperation between Angola and Mozambique in order to strengthen the bonds that unite the two countries and peoples.


Talking to the press, the Mozambican diplomat informed that her government intends to boost trade relations, including in the fields of energy, oil, agrarian training and fisheries, aiming to make these protocols more useful.


Regarding training, she said that in Angola there are Mozambican citizens who are in high school and in university being trained in the field of State and Military Security, adding that Mozambique has also offered scholarships to Angolan citizens.


The diplomat stressed that Mozambique and Angola have forestry issues at a time when the world is experiencing environmental management situations.


However, both countries should reciprocally reinforce the protection of forestry so that their resources can serve the two countries.


Angola and Mozambique relations are based on historical ties of friendship, fraternity and solidarity.


In September 1978, both states signed a General Agreement on Economic, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation which led to the creation of the Bilateral Cooperation Committee.


In the framework of the bilateral cooperation, the two countries signed several agreements and protocols with emphasis on the visa waiver for diplomatic, service and ordinary passports.


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