Angola at international conference on jurisdictional accounting

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 08 May De 2024    14h26  
Luanda: Justice Palace, housing high courts
Luanda: Justice Palace, housing high courts
Rosário dos Santos

Luanda - A delegation from the Angolan Court of Auditors has been taking part since Monday in the city of Palermo, Italy, in the ambit of the International Conference on “Exercising the Jurisdictional Accounting Function: International Experiences and Exchange of Best Practices”.

According to a press release, the aim of the event is to share international experiences and exchange best practices in the area of jurisdictional financial control and it will take place from 6 to 8 May in the largest city in the Sicily region.

The event which is divided into three separate sessions, also serves to discuss issues related to the “Accounting Justice System: General Aspects and the Administrative and Accounting Responsibility Regime

In his speech on the first day of the works, Judge Fausto Simões said that the Angolan Court of Auditors is the supreme body for overseeing the legality of public finances and judging the accounts subject to its jurisdiction, adding that its competences include preventive, concomitant and successive supervision, issuing an opinion on the General State Account and enforcing financial liability (reintegration and sanctions).

In a second presentation, on the subject of the “Accounting Justice System: The Administrative and Accounting Responsibility Regime”, he emphasised that in Angola, the accounting and auditing system has evolved significantly.

He explained that it was driven by regulatory changes and a growing need for transparency and financial accountability, encompassing the administrative and accounting accountability regime, with standards and guidelines that allow for the supervision of accounting and auditing in the country.

The official explained that as the guardian of legality and efficiency in the management of public resources, the body plays a crucial role in overseeing the state's finances, issuing an opinion on the General State Account and supervising the government's budget execution.

He concluded saying that this process not only reinforces transparency and financial responsibility, but it is also the basis of the country's financial control system.

The conference was attended by various Italian organisations and twelve delegations from different countries, including Angola, Brazil, Côte d'Ivoire, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Iran, Morocco, Portugal, Thailand and Türkiye.



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