Police foil rebellion in Lunda Norte

  • Luanda     Saturday, 30 January De 2021    19h17  
Efectivos do MININT (arquivo)
Efectivos do MININT (arquivo)

Dundo - The National Police frustrated, in the early hours of Saturday morning, in Lunda Norte, an act of armed rebellion, led by a self-denominated "Lunda Tchokwe Protected Movement", an action that resulted in the death of six insurgents and the wounding of two police officers.

A communiqué from the Lunda Norte Provincial Command of the National Police reports that the violent demonstration, which took place in the town of Cafunfu, municipality of Cuango (Lunda Norte), also resulted in the injury of three other insurgents.

The National Police in Lunda Norte explains that the response to the "so evident rebellion" and the attempt to disperse the demonstrators, "in self-defence", resulted in the death of six elements and three others wounded, linked to the said movement, without legal status, under the legislation in force in the Republic of Angola.

According to the press release, the two wounded officers, whose ranks have not been revealed, belong to the National Police and Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).


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