Political Democratic Bloc meets national council in Mbanza Kongo

  • Luanda     Saturday, 27 January De 2024    12h03  
Presidente do Bloco Democrático, Filomeno Vieira Lopes
Presidente do Bloco Democrático, Filomeno Vieira Lopes
Valentino Yequenha

Mbanza Kongo – The Democratic Bloc (BD) has been holding, since Friday, in Mbanza Kongo, Zaire province, its 3rd ordinary meeting of the national council.

Speaking to the press on Saturday, the president of the Democratic Bloc, Filomeno Vieira Lopes, said that his political bloc intends to assert itself in the national political chessboard, stressing that the choice of the province of Zaire to host the event aims to bring the party structures closer together of voters.

For the politician, the problems that still afflict the population must be resolved within the communities, which is why he defended the institutionalization of local authorities.

“Solving people’s problems implies being present in the communities, as that is where we must find solutions”, he reiterated.

He informed that during the event the Democratic Bloc's strategies for the four-year period 2024/2027 will be defined and deepened.

He considered multipartyism as one of the gains that the country has achieved in recent years, stressing that the institutionalization of local authorities would further strengthen the democratic system in Angola.

From an economic point of view, the president of the Democratic Bloc defended the creation of a comprehensive policy to reduce hunger, unemployment and an equitable division of national wealth.

The introduction of mechanized agriculture, support for peasant families, as well as the creation of manufacturing industries were also suggested by the politician as solutions to minimize hunger and poverty among Angolans.

The third ordinary meeting of the national council of the Democratic Bloc, which brings together leaders and staff from the country's 18 provinces, ends on Sunday. DA/JL/CF/DOJ

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