Congolese court releases Angolan fishermen

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 28 February De 2023    21h20  
Angolan fishermen rescured from Gabon's territorial waters
Angolan fishermen rescured from Gabon's territorial waters

Cabinda – The High Court of Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo, decided, in this Tuesday's trail session, to grant freedom without conviction to the five Angolan fishermen detained since January 8 of this year.

The fishermen, who were detained in the Maison de Retair jail, were accused of violating territorial waters and practicing illegal fishing.


After six trial sessions, fishermen Carlos Sassa Nhimi, Abrão Capita Luemba, David Bondimbo, Nhati Filipe Luemba and Agostinho Barros must pay fees to the court, in the amount of 35,000 CFA (US$50 equivalent).


The fishermen have always claimed that they have not violated Congolese waters or done any illegal fishing, claiming that they were dragged by currents and strong winds to Congolese waters after the malfunction registered in the engine of the artisanal vessel in Angolan waters.


At the end of the discussion and allegations between the defence and the Prosecution, the Judge of the Pointe-Noire high court, Regis Ekouandzoula, decided for the freedom of the Angolan fishermen due to lack of grounds.


Throughout the trial, the three defence lawyers never agreed with the allegations of the prosecution, which had proposed to the Court, in the last session, the application of a six-month prison sentence to the five Angolan fishermen and two citizens of the DRC included in the same process.


The fishermen, after 50 days in remand detention, were housed in the former facilities of the Angolan consulate, where they will wait for their release and other formalities linked to the court's administrative services.


The Angolan consular service in Pointe-Noire and the Angolan Embassy in Brazzaville followed the process until the end.


Relatives of the detained fishermen were also present at the trial sessions and provided support with food, medicine, clothing and other personal hygiene materials.

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