PRS leadership candidates formalize application delivery

  • Luanda     Monday, 12 February De 2024    18h37  
Imagem da Bandeira do PRS
Imagem da Bandeira do PRS
José Cachiva

Viana - Representative Alberto Quinhumba, in charge of Gaspar dos Santos Fernandes' candidacy for the presidency of the Social Renewal Party (PRS), made the formal delivery of the application on Monday to the national preparatory committee for the 5th ordinary congress of this political formation.

Speaking to the press, the president said that the guidelines of the electoral manifesto have already been drawn up and are expected to be released as soon as the candidacy process is validated by the commission, on the 16th and 19th of this month.

In the same way, Benedito Daniel, the ongoing president and deputy to the National Assembly, also submitted his candidacy to run for the highest “seat” of the PRS at the congress that will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of April of the current year.

It should be noted that the only candidate who formalized his candidacy last week was Sapalo António, who is a member of the PRS National Committee, thus totaling three candidates running for party leadership.

According to the coordinator of the preparatory committee for the V ordinary congress, Donji Vieira, three applications have currently been received and the processes will pass to the mandate’s subcommittee, which has the objective and responsibility of evaluating and validating them.

The Social Renewal Party (PRS) is a political organization founded on November 18, 1990 and which defines itself as center-left, with a federalist and progressive ideology. AA/HDC/SC/DOJ


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