Angola hails ICGLR role for regional stability and development

  • Luanda     Thursday, 24 March De 2022    14h38  
Foreign Affairs minister Téte António
Foreign Affairs minister Téte António
Gaspar dos Santos

Luanda - Angolan Foreign Minister, Teté António, said Thursday that the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) remains vital for the resolution of conflicts and guarantees the stability and development of the sub-region.

The head of Angolan diplomacy was speaking at the opening of the ordinary meeting of the Inter-ministerial Regional Committee of the ICGLR, held by video-conference, convened to analyse the situation of peace and security in the member-states and in the sub-region.

He considered that peace and security in the Great Lakes Region, as well as intra and inter-State relations have improved considerably, although political and military instability persists in Sudan and South Sudan, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Central African Republic (CAR).

He stressed that despite the personal commitment of the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, to tackle the crisis in the CAR, organising three summits and the unilateral declaration of a ceasefire by the government, armed groups carried out 18 attacks, claiming 36 lives, 29 of which were civilians.

For Minister Téte António, the proliferation of terrorist groups, including in the DRC, highlights the need to strengthen regional mechanisms for cooperation and coordination, in the political, security, defence and intelligence spheres, with the aim of anticipating threats and preventing risks in the sub-region, in an effective and efficient manner.

"A solid cooperation between States and International Organisations, including Non-Governmental Organisations and civil society constitutes a key instrument to combat terrorism and other threats, with which the countries are confronted", he said.

He welcomed the fact that the 35th Session of the Ordinary Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union convened a Summit on Terrorism and Unconstitutional Regime Change in Africa, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, in May, on the proposal of Angola.

He said Angola welcomes the reduction of instability in the Great Lakes region, noting progress made in the process of normalisation of relations between Rwanda and Burundi and between Rwanda, Uganda and the DRC, as well as the peaceful holding of free and transparent elections in some member countries.

He said he hoped member countries would also reflect on bilateral and multilateral cooperation for the management of border security issues and in the implementation of agreements on natural resources, the empowerment of women and the fight against sexual violence.

He considered the sub-regional organisation's financial situation worrying, due to the fact that many states had not honoured their annual compulsory contributions.

The Angolan minister proposed a new organisational structure to adapt to the challenges of peace, security, stability and regional development and to combat the illicit exploitation of natural resources, seen as a source of funding for armed groups and negative forces in the region. 

The African Union

Also by video-conference, the representative of the Chairperson of the African Commission, Balagizi Gonzague, and the Special Envoy of the Secretary General of the UN, Huang Xia, defended the need to combat the illegal exploitation of mineral resources, which generally finances armed groups.

They also appealed for the consolidation of internal democratic processes, the promotion of good governance and the implementation of inclusive public policies directed essentially to women and youth.

The executive secretary of the ICGLR, Angolan Joao Samuel Caholo, called for permanent cooperation between member states, the promotion of internal dialogue, respect for human rights and the implementation of programmes for the empowerment of women.

The meeting of ministers of the ICGLR will focus on reports on the implementation of the recommendations of the Summit of Heads of State and Government and discuss the achievements of the pact of creation of the organization in the last 15 years.


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