National Council assesses political, military situation

  • Luanda     Thursday, 03 December De 2020    17h46  
Angolan Armed Forces (FAA)
Angolan Armed Forces (FAA)

Luanda - The National Security Council on Thursday assessed the political and military situation and the state of public security in the country.

The information is expressed in the final communiqué of the meeting, led by the President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces, João Lourenço.

The National Security Council is the body that consults the President of the Republic on matters relating to the conduct of national security policy and strategy.

Members of this body are the Vice-President of the Republic, the Speaker of the National Assembly, chief judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts and the Attorney General of the Republic.

Ministers of State and ministers appointed by the President of the Republic are also part of the Council, in addition to other entities that the Head of the Executive Power may determine.

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