Translation of Constitution into national languages highlighted

  • Luanda     Thursday, 02 February De 2023    09h53  
Constitucionalista Santa Joaquina Tomás
Constitucionalista Santa Joaquina Tomás
Valentino Yequenha

Huambo - The Constitutionalist and university professor Santa Joaquina Tomás highlighted this Thursday in central Huambo province the valences of the translation of the Constitution of the Republic of Angola (CRA) into national languages for the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law.

Santa Joaquina Tomé was speaking to ANGOP during the launch of publication of CRA versions  in the national languages Cokwe, Ngangela, Oshikwanyama and Fyote on Wednesday by Constitutional Court , ahead of the 13th anniversary to be celebrated on 5 February.

In addition to the versions in national languages, the Constitutional Court also launched, in a ceremony  the Constitution of the Republic of Angola for children, which portrays, in comic strips, various provisions of the Magna Law in simple language , accessible and perceptible to all ages.

With the translation of the Constitution into national languages, the Constitutional Court intends to cover all local languages, with a view to strengthening national unity and recognising the need to preserve what is national.

According to constitutionalist Santa Joaquina Tomás, one of the biggest problems of democracy in Angola is linked to the weak legal culture of citizens, as they ignore their rights, freedoms and fundamental guarantees.

She said that the translation of the Constitution into national languages will enable to cover all local languages, with a view to strengthening national unity and recognizing the need to preserve what is national.

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