Elections2022: Civic education agents start activities in central Huambo

  • Luanda     Monday, 27 June De 2022    11h34  
Agentes de educação cívica eleitoral do município do Huambo em formação
Agentes de educação cívica eleitoral do município do Huambo em formação
Valentino Yequenha

Huambo – At least 107 civic education agents in central Huambo Province, started Monday activities to raise citizens' awareness on the electoral process ahead of the August 24 general elections.

In Huambo Municipality, the biggest electoral ward of the province, the civicl agents will be deployed in several localities to raise the awareness of the people towards a peaceful and orderly participation in the election.


The interim president of the Municipal Electoral Commission of Huambo, António Carlos do Amaral, on his turn, called for the agents’ responsibility in the transmission of information on the electoral process for citizens to understand well the process and for the elections to run in an orderly manner.


The National Electoral Commission, under the terms of article 107 of the Constitution of the Republic of Angola, is an independent body that organizes, executes, coordinates and conducts electoral processes, in addition to mobilizing all electoral logistics.


Angolans will go to the polls on August 24 to elect the President of the Republic, the Vice President, and the members of the National Assembly. The first four elections in the country took place in 1992, 2008, 2012, and 2017.


For the upcoming polls, seven parties and a coalition of political parties have presented their candidacies, namely MPLA, UNITA, PRS, CASA-CE, FNLA, PHA, APN and P-NJANGO.


More than 14.3 million voters are expected to cast ballots,  22,560 of them to vote abroad for the first time in Angola.

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